jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009


My discipline, the challenges could be so varied. The first things that come to my mind are our impact to the social. A psychology can make a labor work space unbearable on a productive and entertaining space. That is so good for any economy system, because it can to help to be the laborer happier and also increase his production. But this is only in the subject of work, we can think about the clinic, about the social programs, about even the government, but I prefer focus to the labor and industry challenges. For the technology, a psychology can’t improve so much, because he don’t work with electronic system or computational system, but the psychology can to submit to the science, the hard science, many problems to try to resolve, and that are as important as make the answer, because without problems, we don’t have answers.


jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

The money

The money, one of the gods of the human, they can move montains, sentiments and things. It can make the hapiness and the pain to the poeple, and change the reality. But, why?, or more important, the money can do it?. I want explain you in this text.
First, I need understand tat the money was a important stimulate that was condicionet be the society how a good stimulate, and more, the money was transformed in a basic needs becouse if you haven’t, you can’t obtain food or water. That is the mos important reason becouse you can use it how a prize, and many people will do anything to obtained.

But, no all the people do it anythings to obtain money, but, this person have many friends, and their friends have other friens, ant one of them will want money, and you can influency for obtain your objetive. If you thinks that is so crude, are you right, but this is the reality, and if you don’t belive me, think about the great politics moviments, if the power can defeat the leader, the pay to one of his friends for that hi defeat him.

This arguments isn’t all, if you look more far that the simple speech, you can view how the people have tentation, and some of this tentation can be do it with money, and its mean that he have a price.

With this base, you can think that all will do it, but no, you need one more things to become your will with money. You need strategy, becouse the prize need be important, and if the prize have a big concecuence he don’t follow you. You never forgot that the money was onle a stimulate, a simple step to get the wish.

I think that you think that I was a bad and creed person, but no, I only think that the money will be a form for to be your wish reality, but no the only form. I want money, but I prefer work and make my future. But I never forgot that the money are a important, for that, I always pay all my debts on time, and organize my money for have al basic needs satisfied, but the things that I realy wants, I only buy the tools, becouse the prize to do it myself is a satisfied inpage.

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009

Our Faculty

Our Faculty has many problems, we can think about its infrastructure, its green space, its low personal how “Profesores de Planta”. But the real problems are the economic difference, in our Faculty we can find the majority of people with a superior economical situation, that implies that our relationship, our assembling, our project have a big mistake, and the idea on the base shades in darkness, and we only way can be reproduce the system. But these problems don’t have short answers, and the first step are down the “Aranceles” to give a opportunity to other social groups, and change the form of accesses to our university.

In a simples solutions to the other simples problems how more infrastructure and more teacher from plant, that are not simple problems, but yes more easy to resolve than the social economic difference, we can find the project BICENTENARIO, a plan with that we can accesses to more money, and invert on our problems. That can be good because we can to buy classroom, laboratories, pay better salaries, and others problems more smalls, but doesn’t irrelevant.

Finally, I think that we need improve more space to participation, not only student, not only functionary, not only student-academic, because each “estamento” of our Faculty independently can’t do the strange enough to change any things, only mixed all our interesting, can to do things to do our university the university that we want.

In summary, now, our university intent to progress from the students and functionaries, but the academic, or more specific, the important authorities that decides what to do, only thinks in his wishes, and if that continues, any change can be implanted.

sábado, 10 de octubre de 2009

The meat

The meat are any part from an animal, even parts how eyes and brains. The reason because I love the meat is the most important fount of energy of all specters of aliments. Is for that animals strongest or intelligent eat meat. And how some scientific thinks, that was one of reason for our evolution.

The important of meat for our health is its contribution approximately of 21 percent protein, 73 percent water, 5 percent fat, and 1 percent ash (the mineral component of muscle). That’s components can be changed for how fat are the animal.

If we talk of flavor, we can’t answer with a short answer, the meat can be prepared with many techniques, many spices and many kind of meat. You can prepare a fillet in an oven, in a pot, fry. And you can condiment with vegetables or fruits, and prepare with oil or water. All if you want a fillet, but you can prepare any kind of meat, and you can gain others flavors.

In my opinion, the most delicious meat is the “carne roja”, and in the “carne roja” I prefer the meat of cow. I don’t know how explain, but is the meat that I love.

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Cuarto Universo

I don’t like a kind of music in particularly, But if I have to choose, I prefer choose by his content before of its kind. I hear the lyric, hear the rhythm, and play many times, and if the song doesn’t bore me, I say that this song is good.

For choose an author, I remember all songs that he have, and if in the list are songs that I certificated how good, and doesn’t have a bad song (that will be a song with a plastic lyric and bad rhythm), I say that this authors are good.

With this rules my favorite author of music are “Cuarto Universo”, a group of 2 rappers, “Ancestro” and “Emone” and others DJ that doing their “bases” (remix that sound under their voices). They are a Chilean Rap Group, and have 2 disc. Some of my favorite song of them are “Nuestro Oficio” and “Quiero Confiar”.

A Plus that they have are the many topics of their lyric. In some songs how “bajo su voluntad” they talk about the problems on the poor street of Santiago, a critic song. But they have other song, “40 dias”, that they suppose a situation on the rapper have 40 days of life, and are a so funny song.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009


If I can talk about transantiago, I have some things to say. One important things, and if we follow the instructions, we have an increase of foreigner company, that debilitated more than before, the State. But we don’t cry on the split milk, a state without enough power and without motivation for help, for its own strange, the people, that was an options. Really, we need accept that Transantiago are best than the before system, you spent less time, you have more security, you have a ridiculous card that sound BIP when you come into transantiago.

Other good point its that all the people learn more… em… respect, or some rules for a health convivence, but the price was too expencive. Millons and millions are spent in a system with a bad strategies, bad begin, and bad administrators. Many other choose was could be best than transantiago, but now, we need support it, if we don’t want spent again more money for other bad plan from goberment.
A last point are a vision about the furure, and I see all darkness.

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009


Now I want to go to Japan, because is the max exponent of Kendo, my hobby, in the entire world, and if I can practice with a great Sensei, (sensei means teacher in Japanese) that will be a really good. Of Japan I know so much, some about history, other things about culture, and other things about its culture production. Know you that in Japan you need walk to the left? And know you that you have traffic light to cross the street in diagonal? Well, Japan has it, and that is one of many things that you need to know if you want to go.

An important problems is the language, the Japanese, beside of don’t have the same letters, the syntax is many different, the place of subject in the sentence is at the end, it’s so estrange.

If I really have an option to go there, no only I will visit kendo’s dojo (dojo is the place to practice a martial arts), Japan has many histories place, many temples, castle, and parks are too famous, and so beautiful, how the castle of Tokyo, and its own park, that will be the first place that I will go.

One thing more, I never live there, because the life is complicated, many people in the street, many people in the subway, many people in all places, I prefer a life without stress, and Japan is a bad place for that.

I don’t have more than to say, I hope didn’t boring you. Thanks for read me.

jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

My last Semester

For the first semester I didn’t do well many things, how study or to do sport. But my most difficult challenge was to try to do university politics. For that I joined to politic organic and I helped in many activities. When we needed to paint a poster or to be present in a assembly I was there, in that I spent a lot of time and this difficult my study, in consequence a down my grades and impossibility me do sports. My new interest didn’t to affect my family relationship, because my mother and persons that live with me rested me.

If we talk to learn, I learned many things, how organizes a politic organic, many things about social psychology, and other things about my friends. I traveled to south, and went to many parties.

In summary, the last semester was a really good semester, many things and experience was lived and I didn’t do nothing to regret to me. Now, only I can to do my best work in all my new challenges, and learn many things for to traduce in words to take form in poetry.

That’s all, nothing specific, only some appreciation of my last semester and some about my desires.