jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

Cuarto Universo

I don’t like a kind of music in particularly, But if I have to choose, I prefer choose by his content before of its kind. I hear the lyric, hear the rhythm, and play many times, and if the song doesn’t bore me, I say that this song is good.

For choose an author, I remember all songs that he have, and if in the list are songs that I certificated how good, and doesn’t have a bad song (that will be a song with a plastic lyric and bad rhythm), I say that this authors are good.

With this rules my favorite author of music are “Cuarto Universo”, a group of 2 rappers, “Ancestro” and “Emone” and others DJ that doing their “bases” (remix that sound under their voices). They are a Chilean Rap Group, and have 2 disc. Some of my favorite song of them are “Nuestro Oficio” and “Quiero Confiar”.

A Plus that they have are the many topics of their lyric. In some songs how “bajo su voluntad” they talk about the problems on the poor street of Santiago, a critic song. But they have other song, “40 dias”, that they suppose a situation on the rapper have 40 days of life, and are a so funny song.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009


If I can talk about transantiago, I have some things to say. One important things, and if we follow the instructions, we have an increase of foreigner company, that debilitated more than before, the State. But we don’t cry on the split milk, a state without enough power and without motivation for help, for its own strange, the people, that was an options. Really, we need accept that Transantiago are best than the before system, you spent less time, you have more security, you have a ridiculous card that sound BIP when you come into transantiago.

Other good point its that all the people learn more… em… respect, or some rules for a health convivence, but the price was too expencive. Millons and millions are spent in a system with a bad strategies, bad begin, and bad administrators. Many other choose was could be best than transantiago, but now, we need support it, if we don’t want spent again more money for other bad plan from goberment.
A last point are a vision about the furure, and I see all darkness.