The money, one of the gods of the human, they can move montains, sentiments and things. It can make the hapiness and the pain to the poeple, and change the reality. But, why?, or more important, the money can do it?. I want explain you in this text.
First, I need understand tat the money was a important stimulate that was condicionet be the society how a good stimulate, and more, the money was transformed in a basic needs becouse if you haven’t, you can’t obtain food or water. That is the mos important reason becouse you can use it how a prize, and many people will do anything to obtained.
But, no all the people do it anythings to obtain money, but, this person have many friends, and their friends have other friens, ant one of them will want money, and you can influency for obtain your objetive. If you thinks that is so crude, are you right, but this is the reality, and if you don’t belive me, think about the great politics moviments, if the power can defeat the leader, the pay to one of his friends for that hi defeat him.
This arguments isn’t all, if you look more far that the simple speech, you can view how the people have tentation, and some of this tentation can be do it with money, and its mean that he have a price.
With this base, you can think that all will do it, but no, you need one more things to become your will with money. You need strategy, becouse the prize need be important, and if the prize have a big concecuence he don’t follow you. You never forgot that the money was onle a stimulate, a simple step to get the wish.
I think that you think that I was a bad and creed person, but no, I only think that the money will be a form for to be your wish reality, but no the only form. I want money, but I prefer work and make my future. But I never forgot that the money are a important, for that, I always pay all my debts on time, and organize my money for have al basic needs satisfied, but the things that I realy wants, I only buy the tools, becouse the prize to do it myself is a satisfied inpage.
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