I don’t like a kind of music in particularly, But if I have to choose, I prefer choose by his content before of its kind. I hear the lyric, hear the rhythm, and play many times, and if the song doesn’t bore me, I say that this song is good.
For choose an author, I remember all songs that he have, and if in the list are songs that I certificated how good, and doesn’t have a bad song (that will be a song with a plastic lyric and bad rhythm), I say that this authors are good.
With this rules my favorite author of music are “Cuarto Universo”, a group of 2 rappers, “Ancestro” and “Emone” and others DJ that doing their “bases” (remix that sound under their voices). They are a Chilean Rap Group, and have 2 disc. Some of my favorite song of them are “Nuestro Oficio” and “Quiero Confiar”.
A Plus that they have are the many topics of their lyric. In some songs how “bajo su voluntad” they talk about the problems on the poor street of Santiago, a critic song. But they have other song, “40 dias”, that they suppose a situation on the rapper have 40 days of life, and are a so funny song.
Important challenges
Hace 15 años