The meat are any part from an animal, even parts how eyes and brains. The reason because I love the meat is the most important fount of energy of all specters of aliments. Is for that animals strongest or intelligent eat meat. And how some scientific thinks, that was one of reason for our evolution.
The important of meat for our health is its contribution approximately of 21 percent protein, 73 percent water, 5 percent fat, and 1 percent ash (the mineral component of muscle). That’s components can be changed for how fat are the animal.
If we talk of flavor, we can’t answer with a short answer, the meat can be prepared with many techniques, many spices and many kind of meat. You can prepare a fillet in an oven, in a pot, fry. And you can condiment with vegetables or fruits, and prepare with oil or water. All if you want a fillet, but you can prepare any kind of meat, and you can gain others flavors.
In my opinion, the most delicious meat is the “carne roja”, and in the “carne roja” I prefer the meat of cow. I don’t know how explain, but is the meat that I love.
Important challenges
Hace 15 años